
I am photographing the rest of my sculptures this coming Monday. Not sure when I will get around to photographing the rest of my prints. I'm also going to re-edit the photos I have of my prints because I realized after putting them up here that all the white balances are radically different and it looks like shit.

These are prints I did in my junior independent class. The idea of the project was that each print was made for a specific friend. Sorry for the bad photo quality.
"Booneswang, K.Z.R."
Monotype with chine cole, 18"x24", 2009

Monotype with hand lettering, 24"x36", 2009

"Happiness, A.A."
Monotype, 30"x40", 2009

"E.D., J.M."
Monotype, 18"x24", 2009


Here are some ceramic pieces for my thesis. There are several more but I still need to photograph them.

"Reflection" (tentative title)
Ceramic, high fire earthenware, 2009

"Getting There"
Ceramic, low fire stoneware, 2008
I am working on documenting my work for thesis. My project is a room-sized installation of prints and ceramic sculptures. The work actually spans approximately two years due to A. the slow nature of ceramics and printmaking and B. the fact that I actually don't get any of my own studio space ever because I am a nothing major. The departments have been very cooperative though and I am thankful to all the faculty and actual majors who have had to put up with my shit all over the place all the time.

I just recently finished another intaglio and two large lithos, which I will hopefully be photographing soon.
"Remains of the Armory"
Lithograph, 8x8, 2010

"The Army"
Monotype, 15x6, 2010

Intaglio, 8x12, 2009

Intaglio, 8x6, 2009
Somewhat more recent art

"Frog prints (R.I.P.)"
Intaglio monoprints, 5x8, 2009
Here is some old art from various classes.

Graphite, 24x36, 2008

Embroidery, graphite, transfer, 18x24, 2008

Kind of wish I had my own website. I guess that will happen eventually.